About Me

Tracey Killengray

My yoga journey began while teaching a variety of fitness classes, including Body Balance-a fusion of Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi. It was amidst this diversity that I discovered a profound resonance with the essence of yoga. This discovery led me to the enchanting shores of Maui where I had the privilege of studying under renowned masters in Iyengar, Ashtanga, and Anusara Yoga. Their invaluable wisdom, combined with my personal experiences, has significantly influenced and shaped my teaching style into what it is today.

Yoga isn’t just a practice for me, it’s a way of life—a path of self-discovery and transformation. My teaching centres around alignment-based Vinyasa Flow, infused with structure, fun, and good humour. I believe in empowering students to deepen their practice safely and effectively, fostering self-awareness and growth.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit about me and my journey. I’m excited to connect with you further and share the joy and beauty of yoga together. Explore my offerings and feel free to reach out with any questions or inquiries. Let’s flow together and embrace the transformative power of yoga!

My Mission

My mission is simple: to share the transformative power of yoga with others, guiding them towards greater well-being and inner harmony. Through knowledge sharing and compassionate teaching, I strive to create a supportive and nurturing environment for students to flourish.